
AYAM Creation: 4 years already!

AYAM Creation: 4 years already!

13 Sep


medicine wheel ayam creation ethical clothingAYAM Creation: 4 years already!

The story of a canadian ethical clothing brand.

Summer of 2017 is coming to an end, and with it, our fourth season cycle of existence too. The theme of our 2016-2017 collection was: 4 Elements – 4 Directions. This theme was inspired by the native american medicine wheel, which is divided into 4 directions, 4 phases of life, 4 different energies and qualities.

Symbolically, AYAM Creation completes, through the end of this 4th season, its first round of medicine wheel.

On our side, the end of this cycle is felt. A fantastic renewal is already taking shape in the slow cooker of our bubbling creativity! What will the future hold for us? Working with new organic textile fibers? Changing the country of production? Making new cultural collaborations with First Nations, with new visionary artists?

AYAM Creation was established in 2013, it’s birth has demanded effort, perseverance, faith and courage. It has always required us to get into a void mode to face the unknown.

The first expedition to Peru and the realization of our first collection of “shamanic” fair trade clothing was a highly initiatory act.

fashion designer Myriam St-Onge AYAM Creation family evolution


Through  this epic adventure was born not only a production of about 700 items, of which more than 250 were hand embroidered by Shipibo womans, an indigenous people of the Amazon, but also, a little girl! Born in May 2014, little Lili, daughter of Myriam and Juan Carlos Taminchi, showed the tip of the nose just after the 2nd collection arrived in Canada. Promotional videos, photoshoots in the 4 corners of Peru, fashion shows, kiosks; 2014: a busy year of expansion… which was then marked by the obvious need to slow down long enough to adjust to the new reality of maternity. A break from production in 2015 and a return with strength in 2016. The latest collection of AYAM Creation integrates hand-woven textiles by women from the Andes, Mexico and Guatemala. Also ; new artistic collaborations, new models, organic textiles dyed to measure, quantity of garment produced tripled … Decidedly, we have the wind in our sails and inspiration in our heart!

Inspired by nature, fair trade, made of natural fibers, AYAM Creation: ethical clothing for the free and creative minds!

ethical fashion for woman boho spirit eco sustainable clothingIn 2017, we anchor our foundations and we develop new tools to support our blooming presence on the web. Our family reality inspires the “step by step” and the softening of ambitions.  Growing up and consciously raise your child near oneself is the greatest wealth. The time will come for AYAM to discover the world and to spread to new territories! What’s in store for 2018? The future will reveal itself! … And we will keep you posted. We keep a few surprises in store!

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   AYAM Creation is a Canadian-made fair trade apparel brand based on the principles of Slow Fashion. The brand uses in the making of these “funky bohemian” clothes, natural fibers, biological and ecological textiles only. Inspired by the wisdom of the cultures of the world, nature, mythology and multidimensional superheroes, Quebec designer Myriam St-Onge, the company’s head, has a well-defined guideline: creating comfortable, meaningful clothes , practical and, of course, aesthetically harmonious. Find out more about the brand and products by visiting the online store at www.ayamcreation.com