
Our Team

Myriam St-Onge


Aka LaFée

CEO and Designer

Myriam is the mother of AYAM Creation. Artist, designer and visionary, her company is a mirror reflecting her values. She is responsible for the proper management of each and every step involved in the execution process of her project.

Quebecer, Canadian visionary ethical fashion clothing designer Myriam St-Onge creates the collections and elaborates their themes.

She draws the clothing, chooses the textiles and conceives some of the designs printed on the clothes. Also, she ensures quality control and smooth functioning of the production process and its various activities.

She is also the person responsible for publicising, selling and distributing AYAM’s creations. The designer was born in 1985, in Quebec city. Myriam starts developing, at a very young age, a deep interest and desire to ameliorate and embellish her environment. Throughout her journey, she allies herself to many subcultures and alternative practices that go hand in hand with her quest for beauty, justness and truth. She studies Visual Arts, Philosophy for Children, and Custom-tailored Clothes-making. She also spends part of her twenties travelling across the continents.

All these experiences compile themselves into a reflection process that then guides her into making her dreams become reality.  At the age of 27, she creates her own company: AYAM Creation! She is now mother to a second baby, this time a little girl, and is a devoted mother-entrepreneur.  She now is very busy ensuring that her two most beautiful creations can grow in a context of love, equilibrium and harmony.


Peru – Mexico




In Lima we have a dozen collaborators that work with us in order to ensure production.

We work with particulars as well as family-based small businesses.

Seamstresses, tailors, silkscreen printers, graphic designers, and a team responsible for packaging, cleaning and sending what was produced to Canada. These are some of the roles occupied by these precious collaborators, without which AYAM Creation wouldn’t be what it is. The individual contributions that each of these people bring is essential. They are selected for the quality of their workmanship as much as for their qualities of the heart. Our exchanges take shape through a spirit of ethics and family.



In Pucallpa we work with over four dozen women of the Shipibo tribe, who do embroideries by hand onto our clothes once they have been tailored. These women have been selected based on the quality of their artistry as well as their ability to respect deadlines.

With patience and attentiveness, they transpose onto our clothing their millennial artistry.

We have deep gratitude for the work these women do and we remunerate them accordingly. Also, the Taminchi-Berreras family is one of our dearest allies on Peruvian grounds, from the Amazon all the way to the Andes! A particularly heartfelt wink to Maria Berreras, our favorite « mami »! Look up our videos section to watch the little documentary we made about the Shipibo tribe and artwork. Cultural Zoom is a photo gallery where there is also many pictures of indigenous tribe.



We are presently developing a network of valuable contacts, in the Peruvian Andes and in the heights of the Mexican Chiapas, of women seamstresses. Establishing stable and efficient partnerships with the women of these areas that hand-weave remarkable textiles is the goal to which we are dedicating the next couple of years. The 2016 collection marks the beginning of this new ethnic collaboration!

from Quebec



In a way unique to itself, AYAM Creation is a multigenerational family company. As Myriam puts it : ‘Without the precious help of my father Fernand, my mother Louise and my sister Marie, this project would never have seen the light of day. The help and support I receive from them is of a worth that cannot be estimated.  I say grace to infinity for the example of unconditional love they bless me with on a daily basis.’ First-row collaborators to the AYAM project, the designer’s blood-family is nowhere near being done watching closely as her projects evolve!



In Quebec there are many multimedia actors that come into play. It is here, more often than not, that all the aspects other than clothes production happen. It is also the case that some of our Quebec-based collaborators accompany us in our world-wide adventures. An example of this would be our filmmaker and photographer Marie Dietlin. Marie shot and edited three video-capsules for AYAM as well as another video called Portrait of the artist Juan Carlos Taminchi. She has also done many photo shoots for AYAM, including some covering the four corners of Peru!! If you are looking for a filmmaker or professional photographe, she is the one.

Célia et WaËl Chenab are the persons responsible for creating and uploading the first version of our web site. Their personal projects are worthy of being discovered! We invite you to visit http://www.inspir8.me as well as http://www.imagine360 to discover what these two graphic designers have to offer. Jean-François Brideau is the person presently responsible for all the new updates to our web site, as well as for developing our online shop.

Nos collaborateurs locaux du Québec oeuvrent principalement dans le secteur multimédia.

Célia et WaËl Chenab sont responsables de la mise en ligne de la première version de notre site web. Leurs projets personnels sont dignes d’être découverts! Nous vous invitons à visitez le http://www.inspir8.me, ainsi que http://www.imagine360 marketing pour découvrir ce que ces deux designers graphiques ont à offrir. Jean-François Brideau est responsable de l’actualisation de notre site web et du développement de la boutique en ligne.

From all over QUÉBEC

Our magical collaborators made out of gold!

They are the ones that give you a helping hand because they love you. They are the ones that help you in exchange for products, warm dishes, or even a big hug! Collaborators of this kind, AYAM Creation has many! They all deserve our gratitude since at one moment or another on our journey, they have been essential!

Pascale Clavet Melançon is certainly the most concrete example of a magical collaborator made out of gold. She was present at our product stands and on the road during all of our 2014 selling season. Our baby girl just came into the world. We won’t present to you all of the ‘magical’ powers each of our collaborators made use of to be given this title. We still wish to thank them: Gabrielle Caron, Yann Verstraete (photographe), Julie Guénette (traductrice), Jules Painchaud, Douminique Fiset, Mathieu Fortin (logo), Marie-Line Côté, Alex Beaudin, Samuel Bellerose, Adam Taschereau, Geneviève Déry et Jasmine Bélanger. Also, big thank’s to each person