
Theme of the Future Collection and Production News

Theme of the Future Collection and Production News

26 Nov

Fairy Mimi’s Chronicles – Ethical Fashion Designer / Part 2

Theme of the Future Collection and Production News

News … AYAM Creation power: activated !!!

3 weeks already … Time goes so fast, and yet seems so long. The beginnings of production are always exciting, heavy, light, stressful and stimulating – where ambivalence and clarity come together. The pace is now well established. The routine, the rigor and the habits of life here, in Peru, too. Every morning, it’s fresh fruit and vegetable juice, made with our new industrial juicer second-hand vintage qualityand made in Peru! Wow … And then, hop, at work! I tell you about it because I enjoy it too much, and because AYAM Creation values ​​green and health! Nature abounds with freshness here and we take advantage of its affordable accessibility to get a health cure! Total gratitude!

Production: The next collection is a lot of new models …

… And who says new models, says slowness of the production process. Each model is a baby, a work in itself, and requires attention, time and care. With 15-20 new models, that’s say, many mouths to feed! Little by little, my seemstress, very busy with the approaching holiday season, make the prototypes and I then make the necessary adjustments. It’s also time to finalize the designs that will be printed on the clothes … That too is art from A to Z! Colors, quantities and budget … In summary, I do not have much time to be bored, but to keep the balance, I invite myself to take it, to live, and co-live, this experience, this stress, healthy and happily. To be continued…

The theme 2018: ANCIENT FUTURE – Atlantis. God – Goddess / Warriors / Moon – Sun: Alchemy and Sacred Geometry

I feel that there is a great cohesion in what I chose to put forward this year … As if I had drawn the clothes of a nation … belonging to an ancient future, technological and spiritual, where the idea of ​​Atlantis rise up. I leave my shamanic influences of the South and those of the native americans to return to my roots of north and east: alchemy, ancient Europe, Celtic, Greco-Roman, Egyptian and sacred esoteric influences. Empowered femininity and the goddess warrior are at the rendezvous this year quite obviously … An invitation to stand upright in our power as a woman and put it forward using, among others, AYAM’s clothing as a tool to manifest this attitude. Men, you will not be left behind. AYAM Creation invites you this year to dance with the clear-dark nature of the warrior prince. Tones of earth, autumnal, and also frank and classic colors will be served. Natural fibers only and of the best quality, of course! Can’t wait to show it to you all!!!

Oops! I missed the last new moon … and, again, discounts?

Too busy elsewhere, I have not found the time to observe my writing ritual, and to write on the last new moon … So I promise you lots of pictures of future models in my next release, very soon , for the full moon of December 3rd !!! The website still shows our fall discounts! Enjoy it at www.ayamcreation.com Peace, sun and fuerza to you dears AYAM fans!