
Chronicles of Mimi Fae – Ethical Fashion Designer / Part 1

Chronicles of Mimi Fae – Ethical Fashion Designer / Part 1

Live from Peru: the fourth production of AYAM is launched!

Here we are here! Since 2 days, we are back on our adopted land to realize the 4th AYAM clothing collection. Peru: its smells, its gastronomy, its traffic, its rhythm and its customs, another world, clearly … In time, however, I got use to it. It feels good to feel back in a “home”.

After being gripped by fear and insecurity – because getting out of comfort zone, feeling shipped into the apparent void, and live a drastic change of pace of life, does shakes one soul – well, here I am, in peace, confident, although well aware of all the challenges that await me … The moral of this story: long live to courage and dreams – and get ready to rumble!

When buying a garment, presented on a hanger or online, we are often far from suspecting all the energy that has been deployed to arrive at this finished product. This year, I bring you with me in my production process !!! The goal? Share my passion, give you previews on new models and get you involved. Also, I want to be transparent about what it means to produce clothes … And not just any clothes, but AYAM clothes: our quality, ethical, eco-responsible, and aesthetically outstanding awesome fashion! This production will be an action movie worthy of Game of Thrones or Star Wars: with highs and lows, turnarounds, and a beautiful ending in the achievement! So follow me, on the blog on our site www.ayamcreation.com, via Facebook or via the bimensual newsletter – related with the lunar cycles. Each new moon and each full moon, we will present a chronicle, a written or video episode, of our adventures in the kingdom of our creations!

Looking forward to sharing and receiving feedback from our shares! Thank you for supporting AYAM and I, your dedicated and insightful committed warrior princess. I promise you a collection that will surpass in all respects all the previous ones. To be continued…