
Posts by: ayamcreation

Theme of the Future Collection and Production News
Fairy Mimi’s Chronicles – Ethical Fashion Designer / Part 2 Theme of the Future Collection and Production News News … AYAM Creation power: activated !!! 3 weeks already … Time goes so fast, and yet seems so long. The beginnings of production are always exciting, heavy, light, stressful and stimulating – where ambivalence and clarity[…]

End of season SALES!

End of season SALES!
WOW! Everything is on sale! That’s it! We are finally launching our end-of-season sales !! From 27 SEMPTEMBER to 27 OCTOBER, take advantage of discounts on a wide selection of clothing, colors and sizes! From 25% to 50%OFF. Ethical fashion for men, women and children! SUBSCRIBE to our NEWSLETTER and receive an additional 10% off[…]
AYAM Creation and Alex Grey’s Visionary art magazine Cosm
AYAM Creation in Cosm Visionary art community: greetings from Canada! Happy to finally be introduce to you! AYAM Creation will soon appear in the famous COSM – Journal of Visionary art culture, directed by the visionary artist Alex Grey. It is a great honor for us to become a part in this project and help support[…]
AYAM Creation: 4 years already!
  AYAM Creation: 4 years already! The story of a canadian ethical clothing brand. Summer of 2017 is coming to an end, and with it, our fourth season cycle of existence too. The theme of our 2016-2017 collection was: 4 Elements – 4 Directions. This theme was inspired by the native american medicine wheel, which is[…]
Introduction to our sustainable clothing brand – Video with english subtitles. Here we are!! After many months of préparation, we are ready to release this short video introducing our sustainable clothing brand!  Marie Dietlin, between Peru and Canada, realized it for us and all of you. Discover our philosophy, our identity, the values and history of[…]


Christmas time is here – ethical gifts. Christmas time is approaching. For many, this time of the year rhymes with holidays, family, gifts, stress, travel, greeting, sharing, celebrating, shopping, snow and… magic! What was the meaning of Christmas, back when it started? Some will say: the birth of baby Jesus.  Others will talk about the[…]